Teddy Bears, American Horses, Birds of Prey

Teddy Bears on plate and mug!
American Horses
Birds of Prey


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Peruvian Paso
DKK. 290.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 290.00
DKK. 290.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 290.00
Pony of the Americas
DKK. 290.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 290.00
Rød glente
Kite Milvus milvus ..
DKK. 248.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 248.00
Marsh Herrier Circus aeruginosus ..
DKK. 248.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 248.00
Snowy Owl Nyctea scndiaca ..
DKK. 248.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 248.00
Sort glente
Black Kite Milvus migrans ..
DKK. 248.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 248.00
Stor Hornugle
Eagle Owl Bubo bubo ..
DKK. 248.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 248.00
Teddy Bear Mug
The same motive is on both sides of the mug ..
DKK. 148.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 148.00
Teddy Bears
DKK. 498.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 498.00
Tennessee Walking Horse
DKK. 290.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 290.00
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus ..
DKK. 248.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 248.00
Welsh Mountain Pony
DKK. 290.00
Ex Tax: DKK. 290.00